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NB-IOT:The three carriers get the Internet of things


   The telecommunications network numbering plan (2017 edition) will be published and will take effect as soon as possible.In the new numbering plan, the ministry of industry and information technology has designated "142XX ~ 143XX" as the Internet of things.144XX, 141XX and 140XX are the Internet of things of China mobile, China telecom and China unicom.
   At the same time, the Internet of things of the three carriers will be enabled as needed.Nb-iot is the main focus of network construction of operators and the main selection of the three operators in the early stage.Earlier this year, China telecom had announced that it had upgraded its entire network of 31, 000 base stations to build the world's largest commercial network of nb-iot, and China unicom is planning to build a force nb-iot at the end of this year.
  Analysis of the personage inside course of study thinks, NB - IoT, eMTC cost is still high, NB - IoT industry chain is ripe, NB - IoT commercial chip large listed in the third quarter of this year, becoming the key factor of promoting operators large-scale network construction.
With the Internet of things assigned by the ministry of industry and information technology, the operator has the basic conditions for large-scale expansion of the Internet of things.
  At present, the Internet of things, as an important information infrastructure, has been widely recognized in all walks of life, and has become a powerful tool for enterprises to enhance market competitiveness.
  NB - IoT, for example, industry this year for the industry market launched wisdom parking, water and Shared cycling pilot application, this three carriers for IoT them roughly, means that NB - IoT commercial unfolds formally.
As you can see, from the fourth quarter of this year to the first half of next year, it will be a critical moment for the Internet of things to start erupting.



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