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Television interview on the innovative development of Bough


    On March 23, 2017, longgang television Bough after the establishment of innovation and development situation for the interview, the company leadership Edison received interview, enterprises of the current business situation and future development direction as able to introduce to the reporter.

                                            The graph is Edison is introduced to the company

  Since 2016 the company may have adjusted their business, proper staffing, improve the worker labor treatment, improve production and living environment, efforts to service for the society;Let a worker know the conditions of market economy, and fully realize the importance and necessity of enterprise innovation and development.

The graph is Edison presided over the company meeting

    Bough adhere to innovation and development, the pursuit of excellence, cooperation and win-win concept of development, self development, constant innovation and development at the same time, the reports in the news media and publicity, the influence in the industry to gradually increase;Under the joint efforts of all staff, on the way of innovation and development to a new stage again!



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