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Bluetooth 4.2 technology release and process


Bluetooth is a kind of wireless technology support equipment short distance communication (general 10m). After several years of development, we are no longer strangers. It is also an indispensable module in digital products. The emergence of Bluetooth technology is not a wide variety of devices, such as audio, computer, mouse, keyboard, and even car. This technology is the most simple and convenient method for wireless communication between two devices.

Bluetooth 4.2 standard release of Bluetooth 1.0-4.2 Technology

Recently, the Bluetooth Technology Alliance (SIG) announced the 4.2 core technology standards, it is learned that the new technology can enhance privacy protection, speed up the data transmission speed, so that the birth of the device from the birth to today, has experienced many times to update, let us review the development of Bluetooth technology.Bluetooth 4.2, has been updated by 8 versions, respectively, 1.1,1.2,2.0,2.1,3.0,4.0,4.1,4.2.

Bluetooth 1.1 standard

1.1 for the earliest version, the transmission rate of about 748~810kb/s, due to the early design, easy to be affected by the same frequency of products under the influence of the quality of the communication. The 4.2 standard of Bluetooth wireless inventory 1.0-4.2 Technology

Bluetooth 1.2 standard

1.2 is also the transmission rate of only 748~810kb/s, but in addition to (improve Software) anti - jamming function.

Bluetooth 2.0 standard

1.2 is a modified version of the 2, the transmission rate of about 1.8M/s~2.1M/s, began to support duplex mode - that is, a voice communication, but also can transfer files / high quality pictures, 2 version of course also supports Stereo operation. The most widely used is the 2.0+EDR Bluetooth standard, the standard has been introduced in 2004, 2.0+EDR Bluetooth standard products also appeared in 2006.Although the Bluetooth 2.0+EDR standard has been a lot of improvements in technology, the problem still exists in the configuration process of 1.X standard and the power consumption.

Bluetooth 2.1 standard

August 2, 2007, the Bluetooth Technology Alliance today officially approved the 2.1 version of the Bluetooth specification, that is, Bluetooth 2.1+EDR, which can be used for the future of the device. And the 2 version of the same time, the current still occupy a large share of the Bluetooth market, the 2 version is mainly to improve the standby time 2 times more than the technical standards no fundamental change.

Bluetooth 3.0 standard

In April 21, 2009, the (SIG Bluetooth) formally promulgated a new generation of standard specification "Core Specification Version High 3 Speed Bluetooth" (Bluetooth core specification version 3), Bluetooth 3 core is "Alternate MAC/PHY Generic" (AMP), which is a new alternative radio frequency technology, allowing the Bluetooth protocol stack for any task dynamically choose the right RF.

Bluetooth 3.0 of data transmission rate increased to about 24Mbps (when the need to call 802.11 WI-FI for high-speed data transmission). In the transmission speed, Bluetooth eight is 2 times, can easily be used for video to HD TV, PC to PMP, UMPC to print the data transmission between the printing machine, but the need to achieve this standard can be achieved.
Bluetooth 4.0 standard

Bluetooth 4 specification in July 7, 2010 officially released, the new version of the biggest significance lies in low power, and strengthen the compatibility between different OEM manufacturers, and reduce the delay, the highest transmission speed is still 24Mbps (ie 3MB/s), effective coverage expanded to 100 meters (before the version is 10 meters). The standard chip is a large number of mobile phones, tablet PCs, such as apple New iPad iPhone 5, Meizu HTC, One X MX4 and other mobile phones with Bluetooth 4..0

Bluetooth 4.1 standard

Bluetooth 4.1 in December 6, 2013 release, and LTE radio signals between the transmission of data, then the 4.1 can automatically coordinate the transmission of information, which can reduce the interference of other signals on Bluetooth 4.1. The improvement is to enhance the connection speed and more intelligent, such as reducing the time between the devices, which means that the user if the signal range and disconnect the connection is not very long, when the user back to the signal range is less than 4.0

In addition, Bluetooth 4.1 also for developers to increase the flexibility, this change has no significant impact on ordinary users, but for software developers, is very important, because in order to deal with the gradual rise of wearable devices, Bluetooth must be able to support the same time to connect multiple devices. The standard is currently supported by the mobile phone is still relatively small, Samsung Note4 GALAXY is one of the representative.

Bluetooth 4.2 standard

December 4, 2014, the latest Bluetooth 4.2 standards promulgated to improve the speed of data transmission and privacy protection, and access to the device will be directly through the 6LoWPAN and IPv6 access to the Internet. In the new standard Bluetooth signal wants to connect or track the user's device must pass through the user's device, otherwise the Bluetooth signal will not connect and track the user's device. The speed of data transmission speed is two times more than 2.5 Bluetooth devices, which can accommodate up to 10 times the amount of data.The version of Bluetooth is naturally more advanced as possible, taking into account the transmission distance and power consumption



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